Saturday, May 20

The Perfect Temporary Grey Roots Fix with The Root Fix

Hi lovelies, 

It's been a while! I'm totally sorry but as usual life.. and mega wedmin... has been getting the best of me. All the same, I wanted to jump onto the blog as I was sent a really cool hair product that has solved a real dilemma I was having about my wedding hair in December. 

To walk down the Aisle with grey hairs or not to walk down the aisle with grey hairs? Ah such a dilemma!

In the last few years I've been seeing more and more of these pesky little white hair sprouting up, and in truth, I've sort of grown to love them. Yet, I also would like my hair to look #flawless on my wedding day, and the greys do seem to stand out like mad in photos in particular. I intend to be in ALOT of photos on my wedding day. haha

I dabbled with the idea of getting them dyed professionally but I didn't like the OOT-ness of it all.. I've got maybe 10 max and it seemed a bit too much effort. A home dye kit? possibly, even henna? a natural alternative but still, so permanent. 

So, when YoungHair asked to send me The Root Fix I jumped at the chance to try their temporary root cover. 

They have three colours to choose from: black, light brown and dark brown... naturally I chose the latter.  I applied the temporary colour just like you would do dry hair shampoo and it leaves a similar texture as dry hair shampoo too. 

I have to say that I didn't really know quite what to expect. But once I'd sprayed the few white whisps of hair I did have I couldn't believe how simple and easy it was to temporarily cover the greys. The dark brown Root Fix colour matched my hair colour seamlessly. 

What I also liked about it was that I was in control of how much coverage I wanted. A few sprays made them less noticeable but still present. And I liked that. My greys are a part of me, a part of who I am right now and, as much as I want to look and feel great on my wedding day, I also want to look and feel like me. 

For me The Root Fix by YoungHair is the perfect non-permanent grey cover-up that allows me to take control of how I want to look on my Wedding day without changing who I really am... greys and all! 

I'll most definitely be using it too... you can buy The Root Fix on Amazon in Light Brown, Dark Brown or Black. 


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